Le Pristol Hotel —Beirut Lebanon
22,23 January 2010
Upon an invitation from JICA Alumni in Lebanon, JICA Alumni in Egypt accepted to share in the above mentioned workshop
to represent Egypt and to activate the relationships with other JICA Alumni in other countries. So JICA Alumni Egypt nominated the below members:
2- Agenda of workshop
The workshop had been held for 2 days as follows:
Opening at 9:30 AM by: H.E. Minister of Industry and H.E. Ambassador of Japan in Lebanon
10:30AM— 16:40 PM
3- Suggestions and Recommendations:
We can summaries this in the following points:
Quality Management, Q.A. System in plants, Q.C.
new 7 Tools, Q. Deployment Function,. . .etc.
4- Conclusion
Our thanks to JICA office in Egypt and JICA Alumni Egypt to give us the opportunity to attend the workshop and to activate the relationships with other JICA Alumni’s and we suggest to arrange another workshop to be held in Egypt throw 2010 and invite members ,experts from Japan and the regional countries including Libya, Sudan, Tunisia. . .etc.