Activities - Climate Change and its effect on Environment

Climate Change and its effect on Environment

Project Description

World Trade Center


11 March 2010

The JICA Alumni shed the light on one of the hottest topics during this year by organizing seminar on Climate Change and its
Effect on Enviromnent at Egyptian Business Club,
World Trade Center. The JJICA Alumni was very keen to select the experts and the specialists who are affiliated to the above
mentioned subject. The seminar was attended by 51 persons including JICA Alumni members, JICA staff and press people. The seminar was opened by welcome speeches for
Mr. Ikuro Nobuhiro, Chief Representative of JICA Egypt office, Dr. Waheed Imam, Head of Egyptian Environmental NGO’s and Eng. Mohamed Magdy, Chairman of JICA Alumni.
The seminar included 4 sessions which discussed the Climate
Change form different aspects. Dr. Mohamed El Qaisouny, Tourism Minister Advisor for Environmental Affairs gave
a session bout the Climate Change and its Effect on Toursim,
Dr. Samia El-Marsafawy, Deputy Director of Agrometerology and Climate Change Unit at Agricultural Research Center, gave
a session about Climate Change and its Effect on Agriculture,
Dr. Monir Wahbah, and Advisor of the Central Dep. For Climate
Change at Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency gave a session about Climate Change and Renewable Energy,
and Dr. Maha Tawfik, Director of Training Sector for Water Resources and Irrigation — Ministry of Water Resource and Irrigation gave session about Climate Change and its Effect on Water Resources
After finishing lectures, Alumni’s members had an open discussion with the lecturers. Alumni’s members thanked the board of directors for the remarkable efforts on organizing the seminar.